communities to make healthy food choices.

For too many families in America, cooking a healthy meal with fresh ingredients seems too expensive, time-consuming, or overwhelming. Our goal is to take away those notions and provide real solutions.

$150 billion

is spent per year to cover the costs of dietary-related health problems in America.

Support our nationwide nutrition education programs

Bring our chef instructors to your community

Cooking for Life


Snacks & meals served to students, families, educators, and medical providers.

We believe nutrition education is the cornerstone of healthier communities.

We’re committed to helping build healthy, self-sustaining communities by providing a full suite of educational programs focused on healthy cooking, eating, and living.

Snacks & Meals Served
Students Reached
Adults Reached
Local Partnerships

Our Programs

At Common Threads, we are providing children, educators, caregivers, and healthcare professionals with the resources, curriculum, and training needed to champion healthy cooking and nutrition education within their community.

What’s New

Recent updates, stories, and resources from the Common Threads community.

Our Supporters

Our programs to bring nutritional education to all would not be possible without the support of these organizations.